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Remote control on a wooden surface.
Apr 16, 2021

Streaming media companies like Netflix and Hulu make deals with Roku to have their apps featured on Roku's remote controls, but there's an inherent flaw with this model: the buttons become useless if ...

Smartphone displaying HBO Max app with the Friends series highlighted next to a Roku TV.
May 29, 2020

If you've jumped on board HBO Max to watch more than just HBO's content, such as DC films, Looney Tunes, Turner Classic Movies, Cartoon Network, and movies from Warner Bros., there is a downside to HB ...

Image showing a Roku streaming device box next to a tablet displaying the Roku interface, with a remote control on a wooden surface.
May 18, 2015

This tutorial shows you how to quickly power up your Roku box, stick or TV to stream anything from the web like videos, movies and live tv. All you need is an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and a Roku dev ...